class GradeCalc { maxscore = 0; sections = []; inputSection = []; outputSection = []; fields = []; grades = []; ugrades = []; both = false; totalOutput = null; constructor(config, outCallback) { this.totalOutput = document.createElement("div"); let dConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config)); // dirty clone let sanConfig = []; for (let conf of dConfig) { if (conf.percentage === undefined || === undefined) continue; if (conf.title === undefined) conf.title =[0].toUpperCase() +; sanConfig.push(conf); } this.config = sanConfig; for (let [i, conf] of this.config.entries()) { this.maxscore += conf.percentage; this.inputSection[i] = []; this.outputSection[i] = document.createElement("div"); if (conf.bothMethods) { this.both = true; } this.sections[i] = (this.createSection(i)); } for (let [k, v] of this.fields.entries()) { for (let field of v) { this.addInputEventListener(k, field); } } outCallback(this.sections); } createSection(id) { let conf = this.config[id]; var section = document.createElement("div"); section.classList.add(; var heading = document.createElement("h2"); heading.innerHTML = `${conf.title} (${conf.percentage}%)`; section.appendChild(heading); if ( !== undefined) section.appendChild(document.createTextNode(; this.fields[id] = []; if (conf.points !== undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < conf.points.length; i++) { section.appendChild(this.createInputSection(id, i)); } } else { section.appendChild(this.createInputSection(id, 0, true)); } section.appendChild(this.outputSection[id]); return section; } createInputSection(sectId, inputId, soleInput = false) { let conf = this.config[sectId]; let inputSection = document.createElement("div"); inputSection.classList.add("input-section"); let label = document.createElement("label"); if (soleInput) label.innerHTML = `${conf.title} Score: `; else label.innerHTML = `${conf.title} ${inputId + 1} Score: `; let field = document.createElement("input"); field.classList.add(`${}-score`); this.fields[sectId][inputId] = field; let suffix = (soleInput) ? "%" : ` / ${conf.points[inputId]} pts`; inputSection.appendChild(label); inputSection.appendChild(field); inputSection.appendChild(document.createTextNode(suffix)); this.inputSection[sectId][inputId] = inputSection; return inputSection; } addInputEventListener(id, field, event = "keyup") { let conf = this.config[id]; field.addEventListener(event, () => { if (conf.output !== undefined && conf.output) this.showSectionGrade(id); this.showTotalGrade(); }); } calculateSectionGrade(id, unweighted = false) { let conf = this.config[id]; let fields = this.fields[id]; if (fields === undefined) return; if (conf.points === undefined) { return parseFloat(fields[0].value); } let total = 0; if (unweighted) { let counter = 0; for (let [i, field] of fields.entries()) { let val = parseFloat(field.value); if (isNaN(val)) continue; total += val / conf.points[i]; counter++; } return (total / counter * 100); } total = fields.reduce((acc, cur) => { let c = parseFloat(cur.value); if (isNaN(c)) return acc; return acc + parseFloat(c); }, 0); let max_total = 0; for (let [i, field] of conf.points.entries()) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(fields[i].value))) continue; max_total += field; } return (total / max_total * 100); } showSectionGrade(id) { let conf = this.config[id]; let grade = this.calculateSectionGrade(id); let ugrade = this.calculateSectionGrade(id, true); this.grades[id] = grade * parseFloat(conf.percentage) / 100; this.ugrades[id] = ugrade * parseFloat(conf.percentage) / 100; grade = !isNaN(grade) ? grade.toFixed(2) : "..."; ugrade = !isNaN(ugrade) ? ugrade.toFixed(2) : "..."; if (conf.bothMethods) { this.outputSection[id].innerHTML = `Score (weighted): ${grade}%
Score (unweighted): ${ugrade}%`; return; } this.outputSection[id].innerHTML = `Score: ${grade}`; } showTotalGrade() { for (let [k, conf] of this.config.entries()) { if (!conf.output) { this.grades[k] = this.calculateSectionGrade(k) * parseFloat(conf.percentage) / 100; this.ugrades[k] = this.calculateSectionGrade(k, true) * parseFloat(conf.percentage) / 100; } } let grade = this.grades.reduce((a, c) => { if (isNaN(c)) return a; return a + c }, 0); let ugrade = this.ugrades.reduce((a, c) => { if (isNaN(c)) return a; return a + c }, 0); grade = !isNaN(grade) ? grade.toFixed(2) : "..."; ugrade = !isNaN(ugrade) ? ugrade.toFixed(2) : "..."; if (this.both) { this.totalOutput.innerHTML = `Total Score (weighted): ${grade}%
Total Score (unweighted): ${ugrade}%`; return; } this.totalOutput.innerHTML = `Total Score: ${grade}%`; } get elemTotal() { return this.totalOutput; } }