import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'; import ReadmeMd from '../'; import License from '../LICENSE.txt'; import Layout from '../components/layout'; import GitHubProfile from '../components/github-profile'; function AboutPage({usr}: any) { return (

This is a personal website written by @LambdaPaul.

Why did I write this? I do not really know, at least the content I put here. I wanted a place on the web where I wanted to put everything I think is worth looking at some point in the future. It seems wise to have things up here even though they may not be worthwhile, as many things ultimately are not.

Got any questions, concerns, or issues? Contact me via email: lambdapaul [at] pm [dot] me.

{usr && }

Source for this site is available at GitHub / LambdaPaul / www

Relevant information regarding the source is available on the repo and is also provided below.


{ReadmeMd.replace(/^#{1,5} /g, (s: string) => { return `#${s}` })}


); } export async function getStaticProps() { try { const res = await fetch(''); const usr = await res.json(); return { props: { usr } }; } catch (e) { return {props: {}} } } export default AboutPage;