import React, { ReactElement } from 'react'; import Layout from '../components/layout'; import style from '../styles/lists.module.css'; type listItem = { children?: listItem[] | string[]; url?: string; title: string; description?: string }; const list = [{ title: 'Programming', children: [ { url: '', title: 'The Aggregate Magic Algorithms' }, { url: '', title: 'Typing is Hard' }, { url: '', title: 'Atlassian's Git Guide' }, { url: '', title: '' }, { url: '', title: '[PDF] LaTeX Symbols' }, { url: '', title: '[PDF] The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX 2ε' }, { url: '', title: 'The MIT License, Line by Line by Kyle E. Mitchell' }, { title: 'Posts', children: [ { title: 'How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You by Michael Lynch', url: '' }, { title: 'What's in the box? by @fasterthanlime', url: '' } ] }, { title: 'Talks', children: [ { title: 'Concurrency is not Parallelism by Rob Pike', url: '' } ] } ] }, { title: 'Electrical', children: [ { title: 'Common Wire-To-Board, Wire-To-Wire Connectors, And Crimp Tools', url: '' } ] }, { title: 'Other Topics', children: [ { title: 'Sight Reading Trainer', url: '' } ] }]; function mapChild(obj: listItem | string, level: number) { if (typeof obj === 'string') { if (obj === '') return <>> return {obj} } if (obj.title === '') return <>> if (obj.url) return {obj.title} if (!obj.children) return {obj.title} let title: ReactElement; if (level >= 0 && level <= 4) title = React.createElement(`h${level + 2}`, {}, obj.title); else title = React.createElement('strong', {}, obj.title); return ( <> {title} {obj.description ?
: <>>}